​Health underwriting requirements

The Health underwriting requirements guide is a tool to informally evaluate your client's eligibility for health insurance coverages of Desjardins Insurance from a medical point of view.

A preliminary evaluation of each client's state of health is an essential prerequisite to proposing a health insurance product. It also avoids investing time and energy on cases that are not insurable. Plus, it can help you prepare your clients to face a refusal.

Note: The information in this section is not exhaustive. It has been selected for explanation and demonstration purposes. Contact us for any questions pertaining to the selection criteria.

File closure and reopens

If a file is closed at the client's request or because the requirements have not been received, the file can be reopened upon receipt of the missing information or at the client's request. If less than 6 months have elapsed since the signature date of the application, it is possible that a new application or a signed declaration of health will be required on delivery. After 6 months, a new application must be completed, including the declarations of health.

Insurable interest

For a policy to be issued, there must be an insurable interest between the insured and the policyholder. The death of the person to be insured must represent a loss to the beneficiary, if applicable. It is therefore possible to decline an insurance application when there is no insurable interest.

Medical conditions

Questionnaires exist for these conditions that allow us to quickly determine the severity level. All questionnaires can be located in Webi.

Maximum insurance amount

The total insurance amount on the life insured is determined by the age and the income of the client. Therefore it is important to provide us with accurate financial information to assess the risk. A personal financial questionnaire may be required depending on the amount of insurance applied for. (Personal financial questionnaire.pdf). Please refer to the financial underwriting guidelines.

Foreign travel

  • When submitting an insurance application, foreign travel can greatly increase the risk.
  • In all cases where the client has stayed abroad or plans to do so, provide us with the names of the countries/cities, durations and reasons for travel, as well as the dates of departure and return.
  • Each file is subject to individual consideration. Risk factors include social and political climate and the medical aspect of the countries involved.


Disability underwriting requirements guide

SOLO Disability income and SOLO Loan insurance

Disability underwriting requirements table: SOLO Disability Income and SOLO Loan Insurance
Monthly amount $Age at issue
18-4546-5556 +
0 to 2,000111
2,001 to 3,999123
4,000 to 5,999334
6,000 +3 + INS + MVR + AUM 3 + INS + MVR + AUM 4 + INS + MVR + AUM
Evidence of insurability required: OLO Disability Income and SOLO Loan Insurance
LegendEvidence of insurability required
2Non-medical, Paramedical and Urine
3Non-medical, Paramedical, Blood profile and Urine
4Non-medical, Paramedical, Blood profile, Urine and Resting Electrocardiogram
INSInspection Report
MVRMotor Vehicle Report
AUMAccess Authorization for Motor Vehicle Report (Quebec only)


  • For individuals age 65 and under, medical requirements are valid for 12 months.
  • Desjardins Insurance reserves the right to request additional information to better assess risk, regardless of the client's age or sum insured.

SOLO Essential disability income - Illness

Disability underwriting requirements table: SOLO Essential Disability Income
Monthly amount $Age at issue
0 to 3,00011
3,001 +23
Preuves d'assurabilité demandées: SOLO Essentiel Assurance salaire – Maladie
LegendEvidence of insurability required
2Non-medical and Urine
3Non-medical, Paramedical, Blood profile and Urine


  • Please use the simplified issue application for SOLO Essential Disability Income (15021E) available in the illustration software.
  • For individuals age 65 and under, medical requirements are valid for 12 months.
  • Desjardins Insurance reserves the right to request additional information to better assess risk, regardless of the client's age or sum insured.

Attending physician's statement (APS)

An attending physician's statement (APS) may be required if a client has health problems related to one or more of the following conditions:

  • Cancer
  • Cerebrovascular disorders
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Disabling chronic pain
  • Heart disorders
  • Hepatitis
  • Kidney disorders (e.g.: glomerulonephritis)
  • Neurological disorders diseases (e.g.: multiple sclerosis)
  • Psychological disorders (e.g.: bipolar disease, psychosis, schizophrenia)
  • Ulcerative colitis

Note: This list is not exhaustive. Other health conditions may be added.