Joint last-to-die coverage

Options available if one of the proposed insureds is uninsurable

If one of the proposed insureds is uninsurable, you can offer your clients 2 other options:

1. Joint last-to-die coverage

A. Premium based on the age of the person approved for coverage minus 1 year

If your clients are eligible for this option, we’ll send you a new illustration via the Pending Business tool (PB tool).

  • The premium is based on the approved person’s age minus 1 year. For example:
    ScenarioProposed insuredAgeRateDecisionEquivalent age for premium calculation
    Both proposed insureds approved for coveragePatrick64
    Non-smokerBoth approvedMale NS, age 56
    1 approved for coverage and 1 uninsurablePatrick64Non-smokerApprovedMale NS, age 63
    1 approved for coverage and 1 uninsurablePatrick64Non-smokerDeclinedFemale S, age 61
  • The premium must be paid until both persons named in the policy have died.
  • The death benefit can’t be claimed until both persons named in the policy have died.
  • A notice of modification will have to be signed when the policy is delivered.
  • This option isn’t always available.

How to get this coverage

We’ll send you a message via the PB tool, with a special quote for this scenario. Once you’ve accepted the offer, we can issue the policy.

B. Premium based on the age of the person approved for coverage, minus 1%

In some cases, we can’t offer a premium based on the approved person’s age minus 1 year, but we can still issue a joint last-to-die policy.

  • The premium is based on the age of the person approved for coverage. It will be the same as what they would pay for individual coverage, minus 1%.
  • The premium must be paid until both persons named in the policy have died.
  • The death benefit can’t be claimed until both persons named in the policy have died.
  • A notice of modification will have to be signed when the policy is delivered.

How to get this coverage

Ask head office for a special quote and send it to us via the PB tool, so we can issue the policy.

2. Individual coverage

  • The policy will only provide insurance for the person approved for coverage.
  • The premium is based on the age of the person approved for coverage.
  • The premium must be paid until the insured has died.
  • The death benefit can be claimed after the insured has died.
  • A notice of modification will have to be signed when the policy is delivered.

How to get this coverage

Create a new illustration and send it to us via the PB tool, so we can issue the policy.