Investment strategy for participating life insurance product

Investment expertise

Policyowners benefit from the expertise of Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc. (DGAM) specialized portfolio management team.

Founded in 1998, DGAM has extensive expertise in fixed income, equities and real assets (infrastructure and real estate) and manages more than $90 billion in assets on behalf of institutional clients. Team of over 80 investment professionals has developed in-depth investment strategies. Prudent risk management and responsible investment practices are incorporated into the investment process, creating long-term value for clients.

DGAM has been an active signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2017. DGAM teams up with reputable submanagers for certain asset classes, particularly for high-yield credit and some alternative investments.

The investment strategy for the participating life insurance product is based on an in-depth understanding of the role and behaviour of each asset class. This approach means classes can be combined to take advantage of the portfolio’s long-term horizon and low need for liquidity requirement. The goal is to achieve a relatively high return while maintaining a low-to-moderate risk tolerance.

The strategy requires smart risk-taking, essential to achieving higher investment returns.

  • Asset classes and management mandates are selected to expose the portfolio to a variety of well-compensated long-term risks, including related to interest rate fluctuations (duration risk), exposure to global economic growth, credit and asset illiquidity.
  • Risks are taken in a controlled manner and diversified to address multiple factors, such as within an asset class, between asset classes and over time.

Unlike strategies traditionally seen with a low-to-moderate risk tolerance, the strategy developed for the participating life insurance product substitutes part of the investments that would typically be made in fixed income and common shares for an alternative investment mix and a specialized strategy called market neutral.

  • First, this approach helps reduce expected volatility, thanks to greater diversification. It takes into account new sources of return and the value created by alternative investments, which generally rely less dependent on fluctuations in interest rates and the stock markets.
  • Second, the strategy focuses exposure to fixed income in niches with higher expected returns, while carefully managing the associated risks and taking the appropriate mitigation measures.

The content of this page has been prepared by Desjardins Global Asset Management for information purposes only.

The information in this page is provided solely for illustrative and discussion purposes. The information was obtained from sources that DGAM believes to be reliable but is not guaranteed and may be incomplete. It is current as of the date indicated in this page. DGAM assumes no responsibility for updating this information or for reporting any new developments concerning the topics, securities or strategies discussed.

The information presented should not be construed as investment advice or recommendations to buy or sell securities or specific investment strategy recommendations. Nothing in this document constitutes a representation that any investment strategy or recommendation contained herein is appropriate for an investor's circumstances. In all cases, investors should conduct their own verification and analysis of this information before taking or refraining from taking any action with respect to the securities, strategies or markets discussed in this page.

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