Restrictions for pregnant women and individuals on parental leave

Here are the restrictions when the policy is purchased.

Pregnant women cannot be on leave when taking out insurance.

Pregnant woman – First or second trimester of pregnancy

  • If she works, her insurance application will be approved without any limitations.
  • If she's on preventive withdrawal, her insurance application will be approved if she doesn't have a health problem or additional risks related to pregnancy.
  • The benefit period is limited to 2 years with a minimum waiting period of 90 days. The benefit paid on the first day in the event of hospitalization is maintained.
  • Exclusions are not automatically added for complications related to pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage.

Pregnant woman – Last trimester of pregnancy

  • If she works or she's on preventive withdrawal, her insurance application will be approved if she doesn't have a health problem or additional risks related to pregnancy.
  • The benefit period is limited to 2 years with a minimum waiting period of 90 days.
  • An exclusion for complications related to pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage will be added in certain cases.

Pregnant woman who had a previous pregnancy with complications

  • If she had a previous pregnancy with complications, her insurance application could be deferred or approved with exclusions.
  • If she had a previous pregnancy with major complications, her insurance application could be deferred. In this case, she'll have to wait until after childbirth to submit a new application.

Individual on parental leave

(This includes 18 weeks of maternity leave after childbirth, 52 weeks of parental leave and 5 weeks of paternity leave.)

  • A woman on maternity leave must wait 1 month after childbirth to apply for insurance.
  • An individual on parental leave must meet the criteria for hours worked based on their situation before the start of their parental leave.
  • The current occupation prior to the start of the parental leave, excluding a temporary assignment, will be used to determine the occupation category.
  • The number of hours worked for eligibility will be based on the insured person's situation just before their parental leave begins.
  • The benefit period is limited to 2 years with a minimum waiting period of 90 days, which also applies in the event of hospitalization and day surgery.